This year’s competition took place for the first time on Saturday with the AGM taking place on the following day at Weymouth Angling Society. The weather was kind to us and 20 anglers took part fishing from Snapper and Offshore Rebel. The competition was based on big fish with no size Conger, Rays and … [Read More...]

Reg Clough. 26 Dec 1942 – 24 Dec 2024
It is with great sadness we have to announce the passing of a long time member of EFSA English Section Reg Clough. Reg leaves behind his long-term partner Jan and son Warren and daughter Sam. Reg spent a large part of his life working in the great outdoors and was a hardy soul erecting miles of … [Read More...]

Results – English Species Championship Minehead 2024
On Friday 29th November, we met at the The Old Ship Aground to register for the two-day EFSA England Species event fishing for conger eels and rays. Other fish over 5lb in weight would also count. After registering, we drew for our boat positions, instead of waiting until we were on our boat, which was how it … [Read More...]

Results – European Species Championship Langeland 2024
The event hosted by EFSA Germany started with the opening ceremony on Sunday evening 6th October 2024 at Hotel Rudkøbing Skudehavn. This event was the first competition where competitors would be fishing from self-drive boats not from charter boats with the target species flatfish. As this was a first for … [Read More...]
EFSA 400 Club
EFSA HQ have set up a lottery called EFSA 400 Club. The object of the Club is to raise funds to develop the name of EFSA by supporting European Championships (by e.g. sponsoring youth anglers) or development projects. Half the funds raised will be retained for development the other half being available to fund draw prizes.
The Club will be open to all fully paid-up members of EFSA subject to a maximum of 400 persons. There will be an annual membership of £13 paid in advance by annual or quarterly Standing Order or one year in advance by paypal. Each member will be allocated a number which will go into a quarterly draw, March, June, September and December. Only members not in arrears will be eligible to participate in the draw.
Each quarter a ¼ of the funds available for draw prizes will be paid to 4th place on a 40, 30, 20, 10% basis.
To enter please pay £13 to Paypal account EFSA Headquarters or to bank account EFSA Headquarters Sort Code 205040 a/c 70360430 and advise Marcus Weust.