Ray Ashby, Vice Chairman of EFSA England, attended Weymouth Angling Society’s annual presentation on 16th February 2024 to present the prizes to winners of EFSA England Fish of the Year 2023 who had been unable to attend the AGM.
Winners receiving their prizes were:
Ray -Blonde Mick Doody 21lb 2oz
Wrasse – Ballan Andy Alcock 7lb 0oz
Cod Mark Ayles 6ib 12oz
Conger Eel Kevin Fox 24lb 9oz
Plaice Andy Alcock 1lb 9oz
Pollack Gavin Hunt 1lb 14oz
Wrasse – Ballan Dave Lane 5lb 8oz
Junior Fish of the Year
Undulate Ray Mika Attwood 11lb 14oz
Sponsored by EFSA Juniors Best Specimen from boat and shore.
Mika Attwood Undulate Ray 13lb 9oz
Connor Critchell Garfish 1lb 1oz 13dm
Gavin Hunt on behalf of Weymouth Angling Society thanked Ray Ashby for presenting the trophies and for the support EFSA has given WAS Juniors.